The most direct way to find an article authored by a nurse is by searching in the database CINAHL (Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health) following these steps.
Step 1: Go to the CINAHL database (a direct link to this database is below).
Step 2: Enter your search information into the "Advanced Search" page.
- Enter your keyword(s) in the search box(es).
- Select the relevant options under the "Limit your results" section (you may need to scroll down the page). To limit your results to articles authored by a nurse select one of the following options
- If the article you need to find has additional requirements to meet, consider selecting these other options
- "English Language"
- "Research Article"
- "Peer Review"
- "Journal Subset" and select Nursing
Step 3: Click search and review your results list.
This search process is outlined in detail in the tutorial linked below.
You can contact the Sciences/Health Sciences Librarian for further assistance.